brian747 - The AVSIM Community (2024)

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  1. UK Flightsim Show

    brian747 replied to Christopher Low's topic in Hangar Chat

    Hi Christopher! I totally agree. I can understand that COVID forced a pause for a year or so, but it seems weird that the show hasn't returned since then. (In fact, the last time that you and I met was at a Cosford show, which is a great central location — a pity it wasn't avilable for 2023, although I agree with Ray that the National Motorcycle Museum is a great alternative). Given the stats (confirmed again in the December 2023 Navigraph survey) that the UK is second only to the US for the number of simmers, it seems very odd indeed that we don't have our own show any more.... Cheers, Brian

    • January 21
    • 20 replies
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      • brian747 - The AVSIM Community (8)
      • brian747 - The AVSIM Community (9)
  2. brian747 changed their profile photo

  3. saitek and pmdg 777

    brian747 replied to Falconfly's topic in LINDA Support

    OK, one more time:— > "...what is supposed to appear in the C:\fsx\Modules\linda\aircrafts\PMDG 777 folder..." Er.... You do realise, (or perhaps not?), that as well as the folder you mention there is another one called C:\fsx\Modules\linda-cfg\aircrafts\PMDG 777 — and that (or rather, something in a slightly differently-named subfolder called PMDG 777-200LR) is the one that is being cited in your error message, not the one you're asking about? I do appreciate that the linda and linda-cfg folder names are similar, but be absolutely sure you're clear which one you're dealing with. For the record, in my case anyway, the ...\linda\... PMDG 777 folder (that you asked about) contains actions.lua, readme.txt, and ident.lua. The ...\linda-cfg\... PMDG 777 folder, on the other hand, has config-hid.lua, config-mcp.lua, config-mcp.default, and config-mcp2.default. (I have the original v1 of the MCP Combo, not v2). I hope that helps. > "I believe it got to be something between Linda and the 777 installation that is not talking properly as my ngx installation works just fine." Hmm. All I would say is that after over 40 years as a techie in the computer business I have seen many thousands of hours wasted because someone has formed a theory and then gone looking for evidence to justify it. Wrong methodology. Belief is fine in its place, but in problem solving it's inappropriate because it can all too often be seriously misleading. (It can sometimes be misleading elsewhere, too, but that's a debate for a different forum). Instead, I would seriously recommend looking carefully and analytically at the evidence of what is actually happening and then determining why, and hence what's wrong, and hence the way to put it right. Otherwise you can find yourself in a maze of your own creation. In order to do this you will need a knowledge of how LINDA works, which means having read both manuals so that you know what you're dealing with, otherwise you're playing guessing games. For example, you might start by asking yourself about that strange PMDG 777-200LR folder name in the error message......? The only place that I recognise that from would be if you load the 777 and click on Edit — do you see something like this? Or you might perhaps try following the initial route I outlined in post #10, above. Or follow your own investigations, as long as they are systematic and focused. I'm assuming, of course, that you have read the LINDA 777 release notes? Have you also tried a search of this forum for any similar problems? Anyway, my bet would be that when you do find the answer, it'll probably turn out to be something really silly and simple, and you'll kick yourself for not having noticed it before. That's life..... :wink: But it's probably time I stood back and let someone else have a stab at helping you. ^_^ Best of luck, Brian

    • April 9, 2014
    • 17 replies
      • saitek
      • pmdg 777
  4. saitek and pmdg 777

    brian747 replied to Falconfly's topic in LINDA Support

    <sigh> Look, I gave you a very simple and logical sequence to follow: you didn't follow it (or seem unable/unwilling to clearly explain the results, if you did) — and furthermore FSUIPC macros and SPAD have nothing to do with this and are not required, and as for the SDK...... :rolleyes: I can't read the manual for you, that's your responsibility. LINDA, the PMDG 777, and the Saitek switch box all work very happily together when they are properly configured. The error message very clearly tells you at least one of the problems — for some reason your installation is trying to find the MCP config file in a directory called "PMDG 777-200LR", which doesn't exist. (Although in my installation there is one below "linda-cfg/aircrafts" called "PMDG 777", and which does contain the file, if that's any help). So you have sufficient information to solve the problem: good luck. Cheers, Brian

    • April 8, 2014
    • 17 replies
      • saitek
      • pmdg 777
  5. saitek and pmdg 777

    brian747 replied to Falconfly's topic in LINDA Support

    Hi! :smile: It's just that reading the manual isn't optional — we all have to start at the beginning..... Questions here are answered by LINDA fans who happen to drop by, not by paid support staff, so courteous questions are more likely to receive a response. And, of course, many of the questions asked here wouldn't be necessary if the manual had been read first, so please understand any slight weariness on our part. :wink: So we need to break this down and isolate the problem systematically — Is LINDA working? Is the 777 module working? Is the switch panel working? If, as you say, the NGX module is working, then it's a fair bet that LINDA is, too. If that's confirmed, we can move on. If *none* of your 777 functions are working, even with a simple joystick button (please try it), then my guess would be that your 777 module either isn't installed, or has been installed in the wrong place. Take a careful look at the directory structure below and compare it with yours (you might not need all the aircraft modules shown, of course). If you have anything out of place then I'd suggest uninstalling and then reinstalling, checking carefully after each step that the directories are where they should be. If you find that the problem is confined to the Saitek Switch panel (i.e. using LINDA you can assign 777 functions to a joystick button or something as suggested above, but you can't assign them to a switch on the SP) then it might be worth making sure that you are loading Saipanels.exe. The easiest way of checking that is probably to look in your EXE.XML file (and the best tool for that job can be freely downloaded from the kind TweakFS folks at , but for pity's sake don't use it to change anything unless you know exactly what you're doing!) — the EXE.XML file should have a section that looks something like this: <Launch.Addon> <Name>Saitek Panel(s) Plugin for FSX</Name> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\Pro Flight Panels\SaiPanels.exe</Path> <CommandLine>-run</CommandLine> </Launch.Addon> (Needless to say, Saipanels.exe has to exist where stipulated in the <Path> line, too). :Whistle: One final check: when I start up fsx with my NGX or 777 on the ground I see three greens on the SP landing lights (see pic, below) — do you? If not, then there's definitely something awry in the Switch Panel area..... If none of the above helps, then I can only suggest reading carefully through the extended description of the installation process in my detailed manual (link given in my previous post), pages 9 to 19. Don't skip anything — the answer is probably in there somewhere..... :Straight Face: But do bear in mind that the manual was written before LINDA supported the Switch Panel, so you won't find any reference to that — a question on the Saitek forum is probably your quickest route to an answer in that event. Best of luck, Brian

    • April 8, 2014
    • 17 replies
      • saitek
      • pmdg 777
  6. saitek and pmdg 777

    brian747 replied to Falconfly's topic in LINDA Support

    :huh: Why on earth are you messing about with FSUIPC macros? As Günter explained to you, the switch panel (only, of the Saitek line) is supported directly by LINDA. You also failed to have the courtesy to answer his questions about whether LINDA is properly installed, and whether you had read the manual, both of which are essential prerequisites.... Well anyway — assuming that you have, or will, and since an example is worth a thousand words, here are the assignments that I use for the T7: And here are the corresponding assignments within LINDA itself. The flap up and down actions via the rotary are implemented using some rough-and-ready Lua code — "BC Saitek rotary 1 ... 5" — which I'll leave as an exercise for the student (or you could simply use the rotary for something else): Providing you *have* got LINDA properly installed (and have read the manual) the above should give you plenty of ideas to get you going. B) (If not, see here: ) Good luck, Brian

    • April 8, 2014
    • 17 replies
      • saitek
      • pmdg 777
  7. Assigning Keyboard Commands to Overhead functions on NGX

    brian747 replied to zacknick's topic in PMDG General Forum

    +1 The last time I counted (see ) LINDA was giving access to 737 (not a misprint!) different functions in the NGX co*ckpit. It would therefore be surprising if the ones you want aren't included. B) You can download the LINDA beginner's manual from here: Cheers, Brian

    • March 23, 2014
    • 5 replies
  8. Help Please, LINDA/OID10T errors

    brian747 replied to XelaDnarb's topic in LINDA Support

    Ah. The problem is that your screen's a bit fuzzy from here, so I'll have to ask you to be more specific. Do you literally mean that you placed the zip file in the modules folder (as you said), or that you unzipped it into there so that the contents propagated to the correct subdirectories? (You should have unzipped it into that location, which is why in my previous post I suggested that you double-check that everything is in the right place — did you check?). Sorry to ask, but it sounds as though something fundamental is wrong. If the above suggestion doesn't work, I can only suggest working carefully through the guidance in my "detailed" manual — the installation instructions begin on page 9, and the unzipping/checking process is described in the "Installing LINDA" section on page 15 (the same procedure applies when it comes to installing your aircraft module(s), of course). Good luck! Cheers, Brian

    • March 18, 2014
    • 9 replies
  9. Help Please, LINDA/OID10T errors

    brian747 replied to XelaDnarb's topic in LINDA Support

    Just an obvious suggestion — you *have* installed the aircraft module for your chosen aircraft (as well as LINDA itself itself), right? (Oh, and also double-checked that it is in the right place). Worth a try..... Cheers, Brian

    • March 15, 2014
    • 9 replies
  10. VC Shadows and PMDG 777?

    brian747 replied to DAL1850's topic in The Official DX10 Scenery Fixer Support Forum

    Ah. OK — thanks for the clarification, Jason. :smile: Cheers, Brian

    • February 6, 2014
    • 61 replies
  11. VC Shadows and PMDG 777?

    brian747 replied to DAL1850's topic in The Official DX10 Scenery Fixer Support Forum

    OK, my eyesight isn't too good these days, but I sort of assumed that I was seeing "co*ckpit shadows" in the 777 with Steve's Fixer (examples ringed, below)? Or are we talking about something different? :mellow: Cheers, Brian

    • February 6, 2014
    • 61 replies
  12. 19JAN14 - 777-300ER and 777-200LR/F SP1 Update

    brian747 replied to rsrandazzo's topic in PMDG General Forum

    Sounds great — thank you, Robert. Will v2 of the Tutorial be included, I wonder? ^_^ Cheers, Brian

    • January 19, 2014
    • 217 replies
  13. Steve's DX10 Fixer

    brian747 replied to RaptyrOne's topic in DX-10 Discussions, Hints and Help

    Working fine here. The Fixer seems to have overcome most, if not all, of the previous problems with DX10. It also knocked almost 1Gb off my VAS usage with the 777. I would recommend a high-end Nvidia graphics card, though (remember that in DX10 all the graphics processing load is handled by the GPU), as well as taking the obvious step of checking that your installation will run in DX10 mode, prior to purchase. :wink: Cheers, Brian

    • January 10, 2014
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  14. Mousewheel click with right arrow = spoilers up?

    brian747 replied to brian747's topic in PMDG 777

    Hi Andy! Absolutely zero apologies needed, my friend: I'm incredibly grateful for your reply! ^_^ Understood about the POV, but I guess I've just got into the habit of doing it with the mousewheel-and-right arrow combination. Maybe I'd better convert to your method (and soon, before I lose what little reason I have left)! My Logitech mouse is a very bog-standard affair, and I don't use any of the fancy options with the driver software. Ah, the happy hours we spend in pursuit of this "hobby"...... :blink: Thanks again, Brian

    • January 5, 2014
    • 4 replies
  15. Mousewheel click with right arrow = spoilers up?

    brian747 replied to brian747's topic in PMDG 777

    Hi Andy! And a Happy New Year! ^_^ > "...not sure how or why you would you be using EZCA like that..." Because that key combination moves the viewpoint, not the direction of view. :wink: > "...I'd say you have some software included with your mouse that lets you do exotic things..." Nothing exotic here, I assure you. :rolleyes: It's a very standard Logitech mouse. (Although why a mouse command should affect the spoilers, as well as disconnecting the A/P and turning the control wheel, I find hard to imagine. But hey....). This is driving me nuts. Many thanks for your suggestions, :smile: Cheers, Brian

    • January 5, 2014
    • 4 replies
  16. Mousewheel click with right arrow = spoilers up?

    brian747 posted a topic in PMDG 777

    Hi! I have just noticed this happening. I use EZCA, which makes it possible to move the viewpoint right and left by holding down the mousewheel and pressing the right and left arrow keys. However wheelclick+right arrow now raises the 777 spoilers, whilst wheelclick +left arrow lowers them. But when I return to the co*ckpit I then find that the AP has disconnected and the control wheel is turned fully left or right. This is far from helpful in flight...... I have disabled EZCA: that stops the viewpoint movement, obviously, but the spoiler and AP disconnect etc still occurs with that key combination, so it can't be EZCA. All controllers are disabled within fsx, so this isn't coming from fsx keys, either. The only changes in my installation recently have been the additions of Orbx Vector, and ASN (on a networked machine). This is a brand new one on me — has anyone else experienced anything like this? :huh: With thanks for any suggestions, Brian

    • January 4, 2014
    • 4 replies
brian747 - The AVSIM Community (2024)


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AVSIM is a nonprofit flight simulation social networking service that focuses on Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, and X-Plane. It features a community forum, file library, and product reviews.

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The English-language word "community" derives from the Old French comuneté (Modern French: communauté), which comes from the Latin communitas "community", "public spirit" (from Latin communis, "common").

What is the community according to Sarason? ›

Terms in this set (47) community. Sarason defined this concept as a "readily available, mutually supportive network of relationships on which one could depend", and gave families, street gangs, neighbors, and religious and professional organizations as examples.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.